Web Application Projects


These are some of the web application projects that I have developed. This includes projects developed using Next.js, React, C# (ASP.NET), and more.

Mobile Application Projects

FlutterReact NativeAndroid SDK

These are some of the mobile application projects that I have developed. This includes projects developed using Flutter, React Native, and more.

Desktop Application Projects


These are some of the desktop application projects that I have developed. This includes projects developed using Flutter, C#, and more.


Check out my GitHub

My GitHub contains all of the projects that I have made publicly viewable. You can also view some of the open-source projects and repositories that I have contributed to on my GitHub!

Dev Blog & Travel Blog

Check out my Dev or Travel Blog

You can view my Dev Blog where I discuss some of the projects that I’m currently working on, or have previously worked on and more. My Travel Blog contains some of the adventures that I go on in my free time.